Grab New Opportunities… For a Richer Life
Thriving in Uncertain Times: New Opportunities for a Richer Life
Money Saving Tips
Undoubtedly, we’re living in uncertain times. Since you can’t possibly predict the future, it’s important to grab hold of new opportunities today for a better, richer life tomorrow. Here are some ideas:
Live better for less. Get creative and have fun with today’s latest craze that’s all about both “living green” and saving green. Even top celebrities are proudly diving into the ohso-chic reduce/reuse/recycle act. Plus, bargain hunting and using coupons on everything from groceries to gifts are becoming more popular – trendy, even! Yes, in today’s economy, frugal is fabulous!
Create tighter bonds. Networking is always important, but now is the time to broaden your list of contacts. Strike up conversations with acquaintances you already have but haven’t yet really connected with. Watch for like-minded folks to trade financial tips or cut costs by splitting staples bought in bulk. Your neighbors may be game for saving cash on babysitters and kennels by watching each others’ kids and dogs. Plus, a recent study shows social interactions between neighbors are an important source for job referrals. Just think of how many like-minded individuals are right here at Mountain Community. “We” are “you,” not an unknown financial institution at the end of an 800 number. You may be surprised at how many people you could connect with.
Create new goals. Perhaps you’ve experienced a financial or professional setback that’s somehow affected your life. Instead of dwelling on the negative, create new, meaningful goals. Retrain for a different job, or spend more time with your spouse and kids