Money at Your Fingertips with Surcharge-Free ATMs
Access Over 23,000 Surcharge-Free ATMs with National Iron Bank
ATM & Debit Cards
National Iron Bank gives you anytime, anywhere access to your money – just use your ATM card at any of the MoneyPass® network ATMs and you won’t pay a surcharge!
Finding a surcharge-free ATM is now easier than ever. We’ve joined the MoneyPass® ATM Network, putting more than 23,000 surcharge-free ATM locations at your fingertips. Simply look for the MoneyPass® logo at ATMs nationwide, and when you access your money, you won’t pay a surcharge. Your ATM card also gives you the power to manage your funds on the go. Use it to make withdrawals, transfer funds, check account balances and even make deposits at some locations.
For a list of MoneyPass® Network surcharge-free ATMs near you and across the country, visit and use the ATM locator. To apply for your National Iron Bank ATM or Debit card, call or visit the branch nearest you.