Understanding Regulation D
Transaction Rules for Savings and Money Market Accounts
IRAs, Investing & Savings
When it comes to transactions, all accounts are not created equal. There are “transaction accounts,” such as share draft checking accounts, that offer unlimited transactions in virtually any form. Then there are “non-transaction accounts” that are intended to foster fewer transactions. Federal law limits the transactions that can be made on share savings and money market accounts, which fall into this category.
Federal Regulation D states that you may make no more than six (6) automatic or preauthorized transfers from your share savings or money market account per calendar month or statement cycle. (The monthly limit is based on when the transaction is processed, not when the check or item was written or authorized.) If you make a combination of checks/drafts and automatic or preauthorized withdrawals, the total limit is still six. Withdrawals from a time account prior to maturity or prior to any notice period may be restricted and may be subject to penalty. See your notice of penalty for early withdrawal.