Secure Savings

Save Automatically With Secure Savings

keep your savings goals on track

Our Secure Savings links with a National Iron Bank checking account to . You set how much you want to save each month and that money is automatically transferred. Save for whatever is important to you – a vacation, a new car, a home, your child’s education or a rainy day. Just sit back and watch your funds grow.


  • Online Banking
  • Automatic transfers from your checking account
  • Online Budgeting Tools
  • eStatements

Account Requirements

  • Paper statement fee may be assessed but can be avoided by enrolling with eStatements
  • The account must have at least one internal deposit transfer each month to avoid the monthly service fee.
  • Other fees may apply, see our service charges and fees
  • Your interest rate and annual percentage yield may change. The minimum to earn interest is $250.00. Fees may reduce earnings
  • Savings Account Transaction Limitations: Transfers from a Savings account to another account or third parties by preauthorized, automatic, or telephone transfer, or similar order are limited to six per statement cycle.

Current Rates

Rates Effective 03/28/2025

Product Balance Tiers Annual Percentage Yield (APY) Simple Interest Rate Compounding Frequency
Statement Savings $0.00 – $249.99 0.00 0.00 Quarterly
$250.00 or more 0.02 0.00
No-Frills Savings $0.00 – $249.99 0.00 0.00 Quarterly
$250.00 or more 0.02 0.00
Secure Savings $0.00 – $249.99 0.00 0.00 Quarterly
$250.00 or more 0.02 0.00

Rates Subject to Change Daily and May Change after the Account is Open. Fees may reduce Earnings. For Current Rates Please Call Your Local Branch
Cornwall: 860-672-6623 | Norfolk: 860-542-5541 | Salisbury: 860-435-2581 | Washington: 860-868-0591

Choose The Account Option That Compliments Your Goals and Encourages Long-Term Financial Success

Compare Savings Options

Statement Savings

Our Statement Savings Account links with a National Iron Bank checking account to keep your savings goals on track.

Certificate of Deposit

A sound investment with a steady rate of return, our Certificates of Deposit offer a wide array of terms and rates. Best of all, our Iron Country Checking customers always get a premium rate.

Harvest Money Market

One of the best money market interest rates you will find when you open the account with funds not currently on deposit with us.

Home Equity Line of Credit

With a Home Equity Line of Credit you can use your home’s value to secure the cash flow you need to finance a home renovation, pay tuition bills or afford a much needed vacation.

Does It Pay To Refinance?

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